
detection threshold中文是什么意思

  • 检测阀
  • 检测阈
  • 觉察阈
  • 探测限界
  • 探测阈



  • 例句与用法
  • It covers geometrically 86 % of the 4t solid angle and has very low detection thresholds
  • With a high energy waveform , an increased detection threshold , soj can be neutralized
  • During the same period of tracking target , the immpdaf can manage radar too , such as adaptively selecting revisit time , detection threshold and radar waveform
  • We were amazed at how good the dusters have been during phase 1 at finding even the smallest calibration tracks , but it meant that we could not really determine our detection threshold
  • The concrete forms of cfar algorithm for different clutter distributions are deduced particularly . it concludes the relationship between the detection threshold and the false alarm rate and the estimation of the clutter statistic measure , and so on
  • There are two ways to enhance the radar ' s detection performance : ( 1 ) for certain signal to noise ratio , choose a optimum detection threshold , whose false decisions producing minimum cost under the preset cost rules ; ( 2 ) basically reduce the false decision probability by increasing echo ' s snr
    雷达在噪声背景中检测信号是一个概率问题,提高雷达的检测能力可归结为如下两个途径: ( 1 )在信噪比一定的情况下,选择一最佳门限,使其在一定风险准则下错误判决产生的“代价”最小。 ( 2 )提高回波信号的信噪比,从根本上减小错误判决的概率。
  • On the ground of mpda algorithm and the conclusion of its steady - state performance evaluation , the choice of the detection threshold becomes a matter of optimization under the condition of properly chosen detection model and hypothesis . and the analytic expression of auto - adjusted detection threshold can be deduced via approximate fitting attenuation factor derived from the conclusion of performance estimation . it presents a novel approach for the optimization of detection - tracking system
  • 其他语种释义
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